Premixed and non-premixed combustion involving gaseous fuels
Liquid fuel combustion
Combustion involving new fuels (e.g. hydrogen-enriched combustion, bio fuels etc.)
Detailed chemical mechanisms
New combustion regimes
Experimental data for model development and validation
WP2: Applied research and technology development
LES of premixed, non-premixed and partially premixed combustion in gaseous phase
Numerical simulations of multiphase reacting flows
Advanced RANS simulations of premixed and non-premixed combustion
Fire simulations
WP3: Algorithm and architecture development for future
Use of directives, such as OpenMP and OpenACC, to exploit multicore and GPU-based accelerators for discretisation techniques such as finite difference and finite volume methods.
Implications of implicit and explicit time advancement on massively parallel systems and the optimisation of communication strategies for inverting large algebraic system
Development of high fidelity numerical methods for tackling challenges of computational analysis of turbulent reacting flows.